This blog is about my anxiety and eagerness. Please don't spread anything and don't let me know you're watching.
2016年12月7日 星期三
2016年11月12日 星期六
Quilt 使用手冊
Quilt 是一個管理 patch 的工具,專門幫助你在無法將 patch 提交到 upstream 的時候使用,在 ubuntu 當中是主要的管理工具。如果:
- 你需要修改 open source code,每次都需要跟到最新的版本,但是你又無法 upstream 你的 patch,那你可以使用 quilt 來維護自己的 patch
2016年4月23日 星期六
Autonomic computing
A interesting term and many interesting papers mentioned about the concept of autonomic computing. The key of autonomic computing is: self-managing of distributed resources.
To manage distributed resources, there must be an algorithm. The algorithm can be separated into four steps:
To manage distributed resources, there must be an algorithm. The algorithm can be separated into four steps:
- Monitor
- Analyze
- Plan
- Execute
2016年4月17日 星期日
int getaddrinfo( const char* pHostName, const char* pServiceName, const struct addrinfo* pHints,
struct addrinfo **pResults);
getaddrinfo() 用來取得 host 上某 service 的一系列的 IP addresses 和 port numbers。
struct addrinfo hints, *result;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
int error = getaddrinfo("www.kame.net", "http", &hints, &result);
struct addrinfo **pResults);
getaddrinfo() 用來取得 host 上某 service 的一系列的 IP addresses 和 port numbers。
struct addrinfo hints, *result;
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
int error = getaddrinfo("www.kame.net", "http", &hints, &result);
2016年4月5日 星期二
Vocabulary Set 4.
- dual-earner couples
- 雙薪夫妻
- mortgage /ˋmɔrgɪdʒ/ (n)
- 抵押
- mire /maɪr/ (v)
- 使陷入泥沼
- incur /ɪn`kɝ/ (v)
- to come into or acquire
- formaldehyde /fɔrˋmældə͵haɪd/ (n)
- 甲醛
- ply /plaɪ/
- a thickness or layer of folded material
- 夾層; 多層板
- plywood
- 夾板; 多層板
- particleboard
- 膠粒版
- symptom/ˋsɪmptəm/ (n)
- 症狀
2016年4月4日 星期一
Vocabulary Set 3.
Today's vocabulary set is from an article talking about the mobile home in U.S..
- quasi /ˋkwesaɪ/ (a)
- resembling; seeming; virtual; 準
- quasi-homelessness
- rural /ˋrʊrəl/ (a)
- of, relating to the country life; 田園的
- rural America
- solicit /səˋlɪsɪt/ (v.t.)
- to seek for something by entreaty;
- He solicited aid from minister.
- earnest /ˋɝnɪst/ (adj.)
- seriously in intention; 真誠的
- entreaty means "earnest request"
- entreaty /ɪn`tritɪ/ (adj.)
- earnest request
- to seek for aid by entreaty (aid is uncountable)
- tout /taʊt/ (v.t.)
- To solicit business, employment, votes, or the like importunately.
- Owning a manufactured home (often also known as a "mobile home") in a rural trailer park is often touted to these families as an affordable "next best thing"—and a step toward conventional homeownership.
- In the above sentence, the meaning of `touted` is similar to `sold`
- decline /dɪklaɪn/ (v)
- vulnerable /`vʌlnərəb!/ (adj) (`l` 不發音)
- capable to being wounded or hurt; 易受傷的, vuln 是古英文的 wound
- serfdom /`sɝfdəm/ (n)
- 農奴身份, serf 是農奴, Hsinchu Code Serf
- Owning a mobile home but renting the land it stands on in a trailer park amounts to "a kind of serfdom"
- mercy /`mɝsɪ/ (n)
- 慈悲
- recourse /rɪ`kors/ (n)
- a source of helps in a difficult situation
- "Being landless leaves trailer owners at the park landlord's mercy," explains Salamon. "Because the park is private property, the owners have little recourse if they're evicted."
- evict /ɪˈvɪkt/ (v)
- To expel a person from a land; 從某地驅逐
2016年4月3日 星期日
Vocabulary Set 2
A list of words clipped from recent readings - HBR, Advanced, Fictions, and technology reports.
My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyroid gland of the three-toed sloth. I chose the sloth because its demeanour - calm, quite and introspective - did something to soothe my shattered self.
- dawdle (vi)
- to waste time
- Everyone dawdles from time to time
- procrastinate (vi)
- to keep delaying something that must be done
- pursue /pərˈsu/ (vt)
- follow something in order to catch or attack them
- exert /ɪɡˈzərt/ (vt)
- to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to make something happen
- genetics
- dopamine
- gratify
- to give someone pleasure or satisfaction
- His praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it.
- fleeting
- quick
- nuisance
- loom (v)
- to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object
- sheer (adj)
- nothing other than
- The suggestion is sheer nonsense.
- gloomy (adj)
- dark
- tenure (n)
- being the legal owner of land, a job, or an official public position, or the period of time during which you own it
- zoology (n)
- sloth /slɔθ/ (n)
- 樹懶
- cosmogony /koz-mog-uh-nee/ (n)
- 天體演化學
- thyroid /ˈθaɪrɔɪd/ (n) i.e. thyroid gland
- 甲狀腺
- gland /ɡlænd/ (n)
- 線體
- an organ in the human or animal body that secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings.
- demeanour = demeanor
- behavior; facial appearance; a way of looking and behaving
- introspective (a)
- The act or process of looking into oneself.
- 反省的
- soothe /suð/ (vt)
- to make someone feel calm or less worried
- A shot of brandy may soothe his nerves.
- To soothe a crying baby.
- shatter /ˋʃætɚ/ (v)
- to (cause something to) break suddenly into very small pieces
- break or cause to break suddenly and violently into pieces.
- The window was shattered by a stone.
- The glass shattered into a thousand tiny pieces.
- blotch /blɑtʃ/ (n)
- an irregular patch or unsightly mark on a surface, typically the skin; 紅斑
- The overlapping windows create blotches, whenever you forget to refresh the windows in the proper order.
- despair /dɪˋspɛr/ (n)
- the complete loss or absence of hope; 絕望
- She was in despair.
- obviate /ˋɑbvɪ͵et/ (vt).
- remove (a need or difficulty);
- obscure /əbˋskjʊr/ (adj)
- not clear or plain; ambiguous; vague; or uncertain
My zoology thesis was a functional analysis of the thyroid gland of the three-toed sloth. I chose the sloth because its demeanour - calm, quite and introspective - did something to soothe my shattered self.
2016年3月27日 星期日
Vocabulary Set 1
- muzzle
- empathy
- ethical
- judiciously
- having, showing or done with good judgement or sense.
- inadvertently
- not resulting from deliberate planning
- 非故意的
- stereotyped /`stɛrɪə͵taɪp/ (a)
- fierce /fɪrs/ (a)
- wild
- fierce animals
- a fierce look
- pointe shoe
- shank
- 小腿
- flex
- to bend an arm, leg, etc..
- indigenous /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/
- aboriginal /æbəˋrɪdʒən!/ (omit o)
- cerebral /sɛrəbrəl/
Women and Minorities Are Penalized for Promoting Diversity
- minority
- a small number of part, esp. the number is less than half the whole number
- penalize
- The verb form of penalty
- budge /bʌdʒ/ (verv)
- make the slightest movement
- She won't budge from her opinion.
- budget /ˋbʌdʒɪt/
- reinforce
- advocate /ˋæd və kɪt/ (omit d)
- (noun) a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy
- 擁護者
- (verb) publicly recommend or support
- garner /ˋgɑrnɚ/ (verb)
- gather or collect
- scrutiny /ˋskrutənɪ/ (noun)
- critical observation or examination
- Every aspect of local government was placed under scrutiny
- demographic /diməˋgræfɪk/ (adj)
- 人口統計學的
- fictitious /fɪkˋtɪʃəs/ (adj)
- not real or true
2016年3月23日 星期三
bash complete 怎麼使用
Bash complete 的概念是,將某些 regression expression 與某個指令做連結,如此一來,就可以對該指令使用 tab tab 來 auto-completion。
先看一個 example:
假設我的家目錄底下有 A.cpp, B.cpp C.cpp 這些檔案
建立一個新的可執行檔,叫做 example,我們之後要讓 example 可以跟 *.cpp 做 auto-completion
先看一個 example:
假設我的家目錄底下有 A.cpp, B.cpp C.cpp 這些檔案
$ ls
A.cpp B.cpp C.cpp
建立一個新的可執行檔,叫做 example,我們之後要讓 example 可以跟 *.cpp 做 auto-completion
$ touch example
$ chmod +x example
$ complete -f -X '!*.cpp'example
$ example [tab] [tab]
A.cpp B.cpp C.cpp
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