2016年4月4日 星期一

Vocabulary Set 3.

Today's vocabulary set is from an article talking about the mobile home in U.S..

  1. quasi /ˋkwesaɪ/ (a)
    • resembling; seeming; virtual; 準
    • quasi-homelessness
  2. rural /ˋrʊrəl/ (a)
    • of, relating to the country life; 田園的
    • rural America
    1. solicit /səˋlɪsɪt/ (v.t.)
      • to seek for something by entreaty; 
      • He solicited aid from minister.
    2. earnest /ˋɝnɪst/ (adj.)
      • seriously in intention; 真誠的
      • entreaty means "earnest request"
    3. entreaty /ɪn`tritɪ/ (adj.)
      • earnest request
      • to seek for aid by entreaty (aid is uncountable)
    4. tout /taʊt/ (v.t.)
      • To solicit business, employment, votes, or the like importunately.
      • Owning a manufactured home (often also known as a "mobile home") in a rural trailer park is often touted to these families as an affordable "next best thing"—and a step toward conventional homeownership.
      • In the above sentence, the meaning of `touted` is similar to `sold`
    5. decline /dɪklaɪn/ (v)
    6. vulnerable /`vʌlnərəb!/ (adj) (`l` 不發音)
      • capable to being wounded or hurt; 易受傷的, vuln 是古英文的 wound
    7. serfdom /`sɝfdəm/ (n)
      • 農奴身份, serf 是農奴, Hsinchu Code Serf
      • Owning a mobile home but renting the land it stands on in a trailer park amounts to "a kind of serfdom"
    8. mercy /`mɝsɪ/ (n)
      • 慈悲
    9. recourse /rɪ`kors/ (n)
      • a source of helps in a difficult situation
      • "Being landless leaves trailer owners at the park landlord's mercy," explains Salamon. "Because the park is private property, the owners have little recourse if they're evicted."
    10. evict /ɪˈvɪkt/ (v)
      • To expel a person from a land; 從某地驅逐

